Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Hummingbird of the Season

Male Broad Tailed Hummingbird

When Mom told me yesterday that she had seen a hummingbird at her feeder, I quickly cooked up some *hummer food, filled my two feeders, and hung them on the porch and deck. It was a beautiful day so I had the windows open. I usually hear the hummers before I see them and, sure enough, I heard and then saw one get a long drink. I wasn't fast enough to snap a photo. This was a male broad tailed hummingbird, the first ones to arrive in Estes Park. The females will arrive later this spring and the male and female rufous hummers won't arrive until the first part of July. They are wee but feisty. The image above is one I found on the Internet copyright free.

*I use a ratio of 1 part sugar to 3 parts water this early in the season. When it's warmer, I use a 1 to 4 ratio. I stir it in a heavy sauce pan and heat until it boils. I let it cool then store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. I've been told NOT to add any food coloring which is not good for the birds and not necessary for them to find the feeders. I bring my feeders in at night so as not to attract bears.

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