This is the method I've developed for transferring images from paper to fabric, usually for embroidering. It's so simple and doesn't require an expensive light box.
plastic tub with lid - mine is 23 x 17 x 6 in.
light - mine is a corded florescent model, the type usually used under kitchen cabinets. It fits easily inside the tub.
Plexiglas - mine is 20 x 15 in. and balances across the top of the tub
masking tape - easy release
binder clips
plastic ruler
pen - I use a friction or heat erasable pen called FriXion
image - printed on copy paper
All supplies fit nicely into the tub when not in use.
For this project I cut squares of fabric an inch larger than needed and stitched around each square close to the edges to minimize fraying. Once the embroidery is finished I will cut these squares to the right size using a rotary cutter and square ruler.
I pressed diagonal lines in the fabric. To find the exact center of the image, I used a ruler and pencil to draw a box around the image (you can't see that here) then drew two diagonal lines.
I taped the image to the Plexiglas and, using the diagonal lines, centered it over the image. Using the clip and masking tape I anchored the fabric.
For this project (all straight lines) I used the ruler and pen to trace the image onto the fabric. You could also trace the image freehand. Once the embroidery is finished I can remove the drawn lines with a quick press of my iron.
This is the Ruby Short McKim project I mentioned in my last post. I finished tracing the last of twenty blocks last night and I'm ready to start embroidering.
Everything seems so easy...Thanks, dear Judy A.