Yesterday morning a second fire started west of Loveland. This fire has burned two homes so far and several acres. For a few days last week we had to keep our house tightly closed because of intense smoke in Estes Park from the Boulder fire. This week we can see smoke over the mountains to the east but it isn't blowing this way. Both fires were apparently unintentionally started by humans (not lightning strikes.) Fires are a hazard of mountain living and home owners are cautioned to minimize the risk to their homes in a variety of ways. Above is a photo taken from our deck of the smoke, which looked like a lovely cloud, from the Boulder fire. We saw smoke from the Loveland fire yesterday but haven't seen any today.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Longs Peak Festival
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Summer Family Fun
I am surprised to see that I haven't posted since June 6 - I hadn't realized how long it had been until I opened my blog this evening. The past few weeks have been busy with visitors, a family reunion, and a trip to Wyoming and I've put everything else on hold.
For several days before the reunion week-end we had ten extra people (our children, their spouses and our six grandchildren) staying at our house. It was a wee bit crowded but we managed nicely. I always think of their visits as "happy chaos!" We celebrated Grace's 12th birthday, hiked, camped, played games, ate a lot, and generally had a lovely time together. One of the major highlights was attending the Rockies/Cardinals baseball game at Coors Field in Denver. Chris had arranged for a private suite with an abundance of food. The weather was perfect and to make the day a total success, the Rockies won.
For several days before the reunion week-end we had ten extra people (our children, their spouses and our six grandchildren) staying at our house. It was a wee bit crowded but we managed nicely. I always think of their visits as "happy chaos!" We celebrated Grace's 12th birthday, hiked, camped, played games, ate a lot, and generally had a lovely time together. One of the major highlights was attending the Rockies/Cardinals baseball game at Coors Field in Denver. Chris had arranged for a private suite with an abundance of food. The weather was perfect and to make the day a total success, the Rockies won.
Then on Saturday, July 10, we hosted the twenty-five family members who were able to make it. We had a delicious Mexican buffet catered by a local cafe. The weather cooperated (thank goodness) so we could be mostly outside on the deck, porch and in the yard. The family members ranged in age from one to eighty-eight (my mom) and I think everyone had a wonderful time - I know I did.
Phyllis with grandchildren and great grandchildren
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Taking the High Road
Friday, June 4, 2010
Potting Geraniums
I took Mom and a friend to see the owl nest last evening. We had good views of the babies but didn't spot the mother. She was probably napping on a hidden tree branch. She must spend all night finding food for them. They are big babies and did a lot of stretching and wing flapping on the edge of the nest while we watched.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Owls, Beavers, Fire
Part 1: OWLS
After leaving the owl nest we drove to observe any beaver activity at the ponds on Fish Creek. The female was swimming in the pond around the lodge while the male, downstream a bit, was busy gnawing on a fair sized aspen. He seemed unconcerned by the audience and took occasional breaks to swim in the creek and eat bark and twig snacks. It was a lovely evening so we stayed on the roadside taking photos and chatting with other observers for over an hour. There was speculation about which way the tree would fall when, suddenly, the male beaver dived into the creek and a split second later the tree toppled onto the power lines along the road.
Part 3: FIRE
There were several loud booms accompanied by fire, smoke and showers of sparks as we scrambled away from the tree and power lines. The tree continued to burn where it rested on the wires. I called 911 and we stayed until several fire, electric company, and sheriff responders arrived. I plan to go over there today and see what has become of the tree.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Unpatriotic Elk
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
The weather is beautifully sunny with a hint of a breeze...just enough to ruffle the flag on our porch. Between kitchen chores, I'll be working on a small quilt I'm making for our nephew's baby girl due in August. It's very simple but the fabric is sweet and adorable. I also plan to spend some time on the porch with my book and tea - a perfect combination!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Lunch at The Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse
Friday, May 21, 2010
Camera Shy Hummingbirds
I finished the landscape quilt and I'm planning another. I've also finished scanning my own slides and I've started on Mom's which go back sixty years! Our local quilt guild, Estes Valley Quilt Guild, has a new president and board. I've met with them twice this week to untangle a few issues and I am optimistic for the coming year. It's a great group of women with a lot of talent. I've made some of my best friends through my quilt groups.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May Snow and Creating Trees

Even though we've lived in Colorado for over ten years, I'm always a wee bit surprised by these late spring snowstorms. This was the scene from my south window when I got up this morning - beautiful, awesome, gorgeous, etc. Our grand total the last two days is 20-24 inches of heavy wet snow. The hummingbird feeders were frozen so I had to bring them in for a quick thaw in warm water before hanging them back outside. Two hummers were waiting for their breakfasts and they continue to hang around for more.
I've been busy this week and this is the one day I have nothing special on my agenda so I'll be in the loft working on my landscape quilt. I've added one border and some aspen trees. It took awhile to do the tedious job of cutting and attaching the trunks and leaves. I have a few finishing touches to add (perhaps a fallen log or rock outcrop) and the final border. Here is the quilt so far.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Landscape Quilt Class
Friday, April 30, 2010
Quilt Festival - Denver

Three quilter friends and I made the two hour drive to Denver yesterday to attend the International Quilt Festival. We spent several hours viewing the quilt display and shopping in the Merchants' Mall. We had a late lunch, stopped at a new (for us) quilt shop, then headed home. It was a wonderful day. I found a few more fabrics for the landscape quilt class I'm taking tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun . I'm hoping to come home with a nearly finished quilt top and learn some new techniques during its creation. Above and below are a few of the quilts from the display that I found especially appealing.

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